Since 2013 we have been able to hire women full time as seamstresses and jewelry makers. Thanks to loyal customers, corporate partners and generous donors, the work of ending cycles of poverty and establishing sustainability and dignity in the lives of women has multiplied beyond what we could’ve ever dreamed. Employing a woman with Landmine Design not only means consistent income — it means so much more!

An education (learning to read and write)

Hygiene and clean water training

The opportunity to open a savings account

The freedom to start a business

The freedom to dream about the future — for the first time

Employing a woman at Landmine Design empowers her to reach beyond mere survival and draw out the potential to change the world around her.

We are honored to partner with people around the world in accomplishing this mission — to restore dignity and create sustainability even in the most impoverished places. During these unprecedented times, many of our compassionate customers and partners have decided to not only purchase merchandise, but to also give in unprecedented ways. Prior to this pandemic, our business model has consistently been to employ women strictly through the sales of beautiful Landmine merchandise. And it has been working! Yet, many of you want to do more and we couldn't be more grateful! In response to your relentless generosity, we're opening a new way to be involved — giving!
We hope you'll continue purchasing our fabulous products, all handmade by Cambodian women who are victims or at-risk of human trafficking. Today, you can also be a part of giving to keep them employed during these uncharted days. Would you join us?
100% - yes, 100% of your donation goes directly to a woman in Cambodia who is employed in our program and to expanding our program so that we can reach as many women with dignified employment as possible. We couldn’t do this without you!